Description: Pay off your debt faster with this visual reminder.*
W H A T - Y O U - G E T -
Digital, printable PDF file of debt payoff coloring pages for debts up to 10,000. (Larger amounts are available for purchase through this site).
This printable is for personal use only. Please don't copy or distribute this file.
H O W - T O:
-Print Page
-Color in to the point you're at.
-When you pay off more, color in more.
-When you finish coloring the entire page you can frame it or rip it to shreds, crumple it up or mail it to someone who cares. Or doesn't. Whatever you decide, celebrate a little. Paying down debt is worthy of congratulations.
A B O U T - M E
My name is Dedra and I've been a graphic designer for 12 years. My main shop on Etsy, Prettiful Designs has had over 30,000 sales and my reviews are holding steady at 5 stars. Thanks for taking a look and I can't wait to design something Prettiful for you.
*When you visualize a goal, you're better able to make plans to achieve that goal. When you have plans, it's easier to alter behavior to reach your goal.
(c) 2017 Prettiful Designs |
Personal Use: $0.00